Monday, June 2, 2008

'Appreciating- Our Readers on a Deeper Level'

Brethren, we are gathered here in...u know the This is the 13th issue and it's going to be dedicated to each one of you- our readers. You being here makes a difference, it makes her feel fulfilled. A reader doesn't have to leave comments before she knows the write-ups were read. She really appreciates the comments and the time you take in visiting her blog. Being that you could have done something else within that time frame but you decided to read her blog. Which she is grateful for and hopes it inspires you all.

Her apologizes because in writing this, she realizes that this post is late: Since usually the post is put up by Sunday. Would use this means to say 'Happy Birthday' to everyone celebrating their birthday this month. May everything you lay your hands on prosper. It's a new month and we all have hopes and dreams, and some changes that needs to be made. So let's get to work! As you know 'time waits for no man'. Moreover, why procrastinate or delay what you can do now till later.

In addition to that, if you have any suggestions about the layout of this blog please let it be known. All suggestions, reviews and opinions are appreciated. If you have something you want to put up, you are free to mail her- author of the blog {contact on 'profile'}. One more thing, if you have a topic you would like her to write about or you need to know other reader's opinion on, please let her know. She would be glad to hear from you. Have an amazing week ahead. The week is full of surprises, make sure to make the best use of the opportunities that come(s) your way. Ciao!


Lily said...

I am one of your readers and do find your posts very inspirational. Sometimes I just read without leaving comments. Keep up the good work. have a lovely day.

littleangel4christ said...

Glad 2 hear dat...
Am grateful to have you and everyone else as a reader...
And thanks 4 droppin' by!