Wednesday, November 5, 2008

BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA- The 44th Presidential Elect!

So just had to blog earlier this week. With November 4th (2008 obviously) being a very historic day in the United States! Am sure we all remember where we were when Obama was elected as being the 44TH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Some of us couldn't laugh or cry, others cried, laughed and screamed. Finally Martin Luther King's dream had come true. The world stands to witness this victory. And as Obama puts it, it's we (the voters), the people that own this victory. In his words; "Change has come to America". Yes we can, is now as of November 4th 2008...YES WE HAVE!

Our prayer is God would give him the strength to lead his people. Like Obama said "it might not be done in 1yr or in a term, slowly but surely we would get there."
And to top it all...his acceptance speech [which was *speechless*] and this whole event is something we all can learn from.
"This victory alone is not the change we seek- it is only the chance for us to make that change."

As we all know: "Rosa Parks sat so Martin Luther King could walk, Martin walked so that Barack Obama could run, Obama is running so that our children can fly." Keep the flag flying people.
This victory tells us that; when we dream we should dream BIG, don't give up, it would take a lot of hard work, but it's all worth it. YES YOU CAN, YES WE HAVE!


Lily said...

I was awake all night watching the election results. This is a great victory for all those who have been told that they cannot make it or that they have got no chance. I was filled with so much joy not only for the Americans but what this actually symbolises for me. Great post!!!!


"Obama is running so that our children can fly"

Very nice. I believe his election should be an inspiration to all people and persons. Hard work and perseverance are rewarding.

littleangel4christ said...

@Lilian...u sure motivate me 2 keep writing, same goes for SD.
It sure is a great victory!

@SD: True words my dear...
I haven't blogged in a while
I feel as if I have sinned...
hw's Fam?