Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mothers- A Blessing!

It's been a month. What's the verdict? As we all know it's mother's Day in Canada, as well as a number of other countries in the world- most especially in North America. You are probably already aware that it varies around the world, i.e; the dates we celebrate Mother's Day. Happy Mother's Day to all our loving mothers, including expectant mothers. As they say, 'it's a day to honor mothers and motherhood'. So below is a little piece for the Virtuous woman I call my Mother. Notwithstanding, it speaks to all mothers who have worked hard, prayed and encouraged us through our journey in this world.
My Esteemed Jewel.
I am the bone of her bone, the one by which I was birth forth.
The one that Christ gave the strength and grace to train me in the "way of the Lord".
In her womb I was conceived, In her womb I was sheltered for 9 months .
I am not with her 24/7, 365days/yr, but through her instinct[s] she knows when am down.
Her discerning spirit- I thank God for.
Her loyalty and dedication makes the difference,
Helps her set her priorities right.
Her service to God, builds my faith in Him.
His grace made sufficient for her; Makes me withstand the days of trials.
Indeed you are a Blessing. You are my Esteemed Jewel- Mum!
Merci! Do have a fabulous week! She is excited. With God's grace we are back to blogging frequently.


Nigerian Drama Queen said...

This was such a beautiful piece. Mothers are truly a blessing!

littleangel4christ said...

Thanks, NDQ!!!
It's great having u around.
Hp ur gud...And surely I concur!