Monday, July 20, 2009

What Holds D Authenticity Of My Faith...

I used to believe that everything had its timing.
It was ok, not to be 'conventional':
As long as you were ready for the change when it happened.
Matured enough to understand the significance of the change in one's life:
Responsible enough to accept this change and run with it.
It was ok, to not be in a relationship when others wanted you to be.
It was ok, that people thought you 'weird' when they assumed you were 'non-heterosexual' because you hadn't started dating, just yet:
BUT, you opt to go into a relationship when your mind was matured enough to work and build your relationship.
It's your life, yet, it ticks on their clock!
With eveything so 'conventional' you wondered:
What was left of the value of life (society) you cherished so much?
The pressures saw you drifting unto a different path.
Then you took the time to search within yourself...
Where lies the foundation of my persona?
What holds the authenticity of my faith?

That's it lovely readers! Hope to catch you around sometime...soon! Gracias!!!

1 comment:


wow, haven't been here in a while. How are things? Hope you update soon.