Saturday, March 15, 2008


She's very sorry for not updating much earlier. How has your day been? Or more like your week? She prays for strength to be faithful to this blog. Because sincerely this is not about her, it's about the women, the children, the rape victims, abused women, and genereally, the women and children who need someone to just care and listen to them. Knowing they can, as long as they have life, overcome their circumstances. Someone close to her once said: "You don't have no control over the past, but you have the power to control the present and the future!" Every now is the present, but builds up to be the future. The following quotes are for all of us to ponder on while we wait for our next post.

All women are: "A Virtuous Woman- A woman of inestimable value."

Every child: "Is a chosen generation, a royal priesthood and an holy nation"
Every child: "Is destined for greatness"
Every human: "In God's kingdom is priceless, because Jesus has paid the price for you"
Every man: "That findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord"
Every individual: "Has an opportunity of being saved, because in you God created a purpose"
She would leave it at that for now. Before she goes, she has a question to ask. Have you ever wandered what it feels like when you talk to someone and they refuse to listen? Hurt? Frustration? Impatience? Now you have your answer, have you ever loved someone and they did not reciprocate that love? How did you feel? Imagine how God feels!

Remember there is someone somewhere who loves and holds you dear to His heart. Have a fulfilled week ahead.

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