Saturday, April 5, 2008

Confidence- Self Esteem...

Heyy! How's everyone doing? First, she would like to thank everyone for their views, reviews, opinions, comments and contributions. We are free to tell others about this blog. As we all know, our aim is to be there for others. That brings us to today's topic; it's one word or two, depending on how we see it, but our lives somewhat evolves around it. Let's invite no one else but Self- Esteem to the table. Most of us might wander, what's with self esteem? Actually, self esteem as some of us already know is a big deal. A high priced product in the market with very few buyers. Are you surprised? You shouldn't be. People tend to have issues with self esteem, yet all it wants to do is supply to those who demand. But you know you can't have, when you don't make an attempt at asking. She could describe confidence as trusting or having faith in someone or something. While on the other hand she would describe self-esteem as having pride in oneself; self respect. Self-respect would be the identical twin sibling to self-esteem. Since self-respect is described as 'due respect' for one's character, conduct and one's self.

American businessman and publisher Bertie Charles Forbes once said; "Without self-respect there can be no genuine success. Success won at the cost of self-respect is not success. For what shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own self-respect." [For those of us who read the Bible the last part of the statement probably sounds familiar. Sounds like Mark 8: 36- "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"]. Losing one's self-respect leads to losing one's self-esteem, which could be seen as losing one's soul. Losing one's self-respect is like losing one's worth or soul. There is no self-esteem without self-respect. Your self-respect builds up to create your self-esteem, which in turn makes you feel worthy. [Someone of worth]. Many people, many of us have issues with self-esteem. Some of us, many from our relationships, past or present, from abusive marriages, from feeling we have disappointed our parents, guardians or loved ones, to those of us who have done things we are not proud of. But you know, when you fall, the way you pick yourself up matters a lot.

Insteading of picking ourselves up and standing upright, some of us crawl- on all four, while some of us slouch, and for those of us who don't slouch, we drag our feets. Those who pick themselves, arise, stand up tall, heads up high, and walk majestically [note: no dragging of feet or oneself]; They not only picked themselves up, but to gain back their self-respect and self-worth, they did not allow their past [mistakes] determine their present, and of course their future. Thereby re-gaining their self esteem. Self-esteem is a very crucial part of our being.
Have a great week! Adios...

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